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Cargo Transport


Our growing array of ships, will provide various load capabilities. The Freelancer Max and Starfarer act as our freight mainstay. Delivering fast, capable transport, they will act as the heart of The Zaharia Organization.


Personnel Transport


Moving people in comfortable and spacious quarters, will ensure any VIP arrives to their destination rested and ready for what awaits them. Our Constellation Phoenix is going to help in building a reliable fleet for personnel transport. 




While delivering goods and personnel are our central services, we also work in trade. This can include scouting for, and hunting down items that may not be readily available to the public. We are willing to comb the verse for anything from minerals, lost wreckage, data, and even in some cases, bounties. The Orion and Prospector will sit as TZOs heavy salvage and mining ships. 




Some transport can at times be riskier ventures, but we do not come unprepared. For our longer trips we do have escort ships that will provide security for our shipments. Our escort pilots are the most skilled combatants, and include various training and dogfighting competency. 
Besides our escort ships each cargo vessel is equipped with its own weaponry, and onboard the crew are trained in various forms of combat, in the event of boarding and piracy.

Each contract and transport comes with multiple plans of action specific to the routes and likely circumstances that could occur. All plans of action are practiced and simulated, and all crew members and pilots are flexible in their expectancy of the unexpected. 


Insurance is always carried for ships, cargo, and personnel transport. In the event of boarding and piracy, insurance will cover a large percentage of any loss that may occur, or cover the cost of a large percentage of ransom demanded in a kidnapping and hostage scenario.




Prices will vary between routes, cargo type and units, and risk assessment, plus additional costs such as fuel, power, insurance, as well as docking expenses. 



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